Las Vegas: Start of our Southwest USA Journey
7 hours ago
I mentioned in my last post that my cousin, Suching sent me a surprise Mother's Day package with a heart charm. I didn't initially realize that the heart charm was handmade - it is so beautiful that I put it on my purse and had to share.
I am often asked questions and comments about my photography - what location, what camera, what settings, etc. The camera question aside (i...
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So cute! I love pink and hearts...I would love a gift like that. :)
Love it!! And handmade too - wow!!
What a sweet. . . and "girl" gift! Great idea, putting it on your purse where it will remind you that you're loved every day!
That is gorgeous! What a beautiful, thoughtful gift!
What a thoughtful gift! The heart is so pretty!
Beautiful charm (and liking your purse too! weakness, 'go barefoot, carry a Prada!')
I have a necklace with that charm...bought it at an art show years ago. I just love it!