Route 66 Journey: From Albuquerque to Flagstaff
10 hours ago
Really - the red object in his paws is a Popsicle - a frozen treat with oranges embedded inside. It was treat time at the bear exhibit and we watched him play with and devour his popsicle.
I am often asked questions and comments about my photography - what location, what camera, what settings, etc. The camera question aside (i...
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That is one popsicle no one is goign to steal!!
He sure is beautiful and I agree with Chell, I doubt anyone will be going after his treat! :)
The color is so deep & rich on this. He looks HUGE.
What a great capture!
What a pretty bear. That must have been something to watch.
So cute!! Love his popsicle!!
That is one heck of a popsicle! Awesome shot!
Thats funny.
Pretty photography.