Gratitude Post 15 - No place like home

Doesn't look bad, eh? That's because you can't see the plethora of cars!

Following on the heels of my Wicked, Chicago post (really, it was a post about the SUV, but it involved driving to Chicago), I am grateful for the little college community we live in, amongst the corn and the soybeans, the flat, windy prairie, but most of all, for the traffic (or lack there of) here.

The traffic in Chicago, is in a word, crazy. I don't know how people commute into the city every day. And it doesn't matter what time of day, night, weekday, weekend - the traffic is always crazy.

More like reality

Compare the above with our "rush hour":

Yeah, no comparison.

My commute is a 25 mile easy jaunt down the highway. The biggest thing we have to worry about is the combine and grain trucks during the fall harvest. And they are easy to pass.

That's why I am grateful for our own "windy city".

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