12 on November 12 - Ordinary Day
Just like the song goes, today was an ordinary day:
Just a Day,
Just an Ordinary Day,
Just Trying to get by
Ordinary Day by Vanessa Carlton
From the Morning:

Dining Room Morning View

Gotta Check My iPhone - my Most Used Apps

Hannah Eats Her Breakfast

Kids Dropped Off
To My Lunch Time walk around the workplace:

Rushes at the Fire Pond

Artists Hard at Work
To Late Afternoon at Home:

Brian's Latest Lego Creation

Erica's Latest Indulgence - The Foot Spa

Time Spent Practicing
To Dinner Time and Beyond:

Favorite Indulgence Confection - Mozart Kugels
And even though it was ordinary, I cherish it just as much.
Hope yours was an Ordinary day.