Easy Day
5 hours ago
This cat is our new friend - he is a constant companion as I roam the barn, always curious as to my comings and goings.
Just walk along the fence, aka the Cat Walk.
Linked to This or That Thursday.
I am often asked questions and comments about my photography - what location, what camera, what settings, etc. The camera question aside (i...
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Wow! The lighting on that first picture is just amazing!! What gorgeous lighting and an amazing cat!
Really beautiful captures! Love the sky in the last one!
Wow! What a cat! ~ Excellent photos ~thanks for sharing, namaste, ^_^
These shots are just beautiful...The lighting is amazing...plus what a gorgeous subject.....
Oh, I love the warm light on the cat- so beautiful!
Very photogenic, you should definitely frame & hang these shots! Gorgeous =)
BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS. Love that glorious light and what lovely scenery!
Perfect lighting! Such a sweet capture...
I'm a light chaser so as soon as I saw your thumbnail on Deb's blog I just had to visit. I LUV that golden light and you've worked it in so well to your shots - quite a catwalk that's for sure.
My post is the most up to date one on www.leavesnbloom.com/ as you might'nt find it if you end up on my google+ account.
Absolutely love the lighting in the top two photos! They are totally gorgeous!
Shirley, I just scrolled through your posts, and saw the ACL surgery references. I just wanted to mention that Doug had ACL surgery about 15 years ago, went on to play lots of volleyball after recovery, and you wouldn't even know he'd ever had anything wrong at this point. Just wanted to encouraged you that it'll get better :)
Awesome! Cats are awesome are they don't even try hard. :P Nice captures!
That´s an amazing cat and such great pics, I especially love the first one! :-)
Haha - NOW I find your Followers gadget, I´ve never looked that far down on your page! :-D
I love the light in this series! Don't you just want to keep it there forever? The kitty is cute too!
A good farm cat is worth it's weight in mousetraps. :)
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne – (April 21, 2012 at 5:30 AM)
Beautiful light and beautiful eyes!
Very nice work!
Have a nice weekend
Yvonne & Raphael
those are super pics of the cat on the fence; that gold lighting is well used, great perspective and a calming feeling to watch this cat on the fence!
glorious photography . . .
Nice photos! AND a very pretty cat too!